Factory Game: Conveyor Update

Progress update for the last 2 weeks:

I have added a conveyor splitter, this original version of it started as a copy of the Factorio one where it took up two grid tiles and split the items onto the other side of itself. However the final version I've settled on works like a normal conveyor and inserter in one, moving every other item onto the belt beside if there is space.

The HUD has got an improvement, still needs work but now it has a hotbar displaying the buildings and text displaying the buildings name when selected.

Finally the Conveyor belts can now be placed rapidly by holding down left mouse, was added as the result of feedback and greatly improves the games feel.

I'm hoping to do these updates every 2 weeks with my progress to help me stay motivated, next I'm hoping to add resource management and costs for placing buildings to give the game a game loop.


WEBGL Build V0_1.zip Play in browser
83 days ago

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