Factory Game Alpha 0.1

I'm back with another 2 week update, I've added a new stone resource to the game, mined using the new quarry building. Eventually I'm hoping to incorporate stone and other resources as nodes on the map that can be mined using the quarry building but currently you can just place it anywhere to mine stone.

I have also added a menu for changing recipes in the crafter building, this can be accessed simply by clicking the crafter in question however, id like to incorporate item icons into the menu along with tooltips for a more pleasant design in the next update.

I have implemented a system for rapidly placing or removing buildings by holding left or right mouse respectively, this greatly helps with placing conveyors which now feels like far less of a burden.

Finally I have implemented the games economy so the game now has the start of its core gameplay loop, each building now costs some resources to build which is displayed in the bottom right when placing a building and your current resources are displayed in the top right. Resources can be deposited by inserting into a new warehouse building added as part of this update.

See you again in 2 weeks for the next update.


WEBGL Build V0_1.zip Play in browser
70 days ago

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